Dad playing with son on his back

Make a Plan

Tips for Spending More Time with your Family

Making time for your family

We all live busy lives, made even more demanding by the always-on culture that comes with mobile technology. Switching off is important, not only for your own sanity, but also for your family. Here are some tips to help you manage your time more effectively, so you can spend more of it with those you love most:

According to the experts, the first step to managing time is to understand that nothing ever goes according to plan. So it is important to plan for unplanned interruptions.

Create a daily roster the night before. This will give you a good sense of how the next day will unfold and you will be less likely to get caught off guard.

Set deadlines and do your best to stick to them.

We understand it’s hard, but do not answer the phone just because it’s ringing. The same goes for replying to emails the moment they arrive. Schedule time to answer emails and return phone calls.

Avoid distractions like Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media. They really do suck up the hours.

Delegate. Find competent, reliable people and share some of the responsibilities so you can focus on the important tasks. Delegating is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Reward yourself. When you accomplish something, celebrate it with those who mean the most to you. You, and they, deserve it.  

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